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Richard Albrecht
DEA agent that tricked Gloria into having an affair. Is the reason she died and they fled to the storm.
Maria Amalia
Born in Cuba, raised in Spain, she spent her childhood being abused by her father’s uncle, eventually migrating on a visa to the United States to become a stewardess and travel the world.
Magna Amaru
A Tahitian native returning home after attending her daughter’s graduation from college in the states.
Daniel Bacallar
Simón Bacallar’s brother and co-captain, employed by Juan Josef to help him captain his ship around Cape Horn.
Simón Bacallar
Brother of Daniel Bacallar and captain of the Sofia Martina, the slave vessel heading for the storm and the Orient. Name listed on Juan Josef’s master’s log of deaths.
Pierre Beaumarchais
Rebel supporter who helps Juan Jr. secure a new ship bound for Virginia and buys the freedom of 3 slaves on Cecelia’s behalf.
George Thomas Bennet
Richard Albrecht’s ancestor and the man they intend to kill to change things.
Olivia Bishop
The actress that played Maggie on Fairview Nights and dated Jack while they were costars, leaving him for another actor when she took a role in a movie overseas between seasons.
Captain James Cook
Captain of the Resolution, making his second journey through the Pacific on behalf of the Royal Society to map the islands and search for a possible southern continent in the arctic.
John Singleton Copley
The artist that painted Charlotte and Chaise Miller in Philadelphia in 1775.
Juan Francisco de la Bodega
Juan Josef’s ancestor living in Yorktown.
Bruce Dietrich
Los Angeles restaurant owner, going to Bora Bora to cater an event and escape his recent divorce.
Lieutenant John Edgecumbe
In charge of the marines on Captain Cook’s Resolution, John befriends Maria and Chris and falls in love with Maria.
Young Tahitian woman hired by Captain Cook to assist Maria. She falls in love with Kyle and marries him.
Sir Johann Reinhold Forster
Naturalist on Captain Cook’s ship, befriends Chris and Maria and helps with time travel equinox theories. Ultimately hands them over to Juan Josef.
Captain Tobias Furneaux
Captain of the Adventure, accompanying James Cook on his second voyage. Flogged Chris for his involvement with Harris’s death and left scars.
Shipman who served another captain as first mate and is a skilled captain.
Mr. Gil
Juan Josef’s right-hand-man.
Alaina Grace/Volmer (AKA: Ally, Red, A.J., Lainey)
Singer/songwriter and graphic designer originally from Hyde Park, IL.
Chris Grace (AKA: Der Mutige, Kreese)
Construction worker, Alaina’s husband, runs business with his father, originally from Arlington Heights, IL.
Evelyn Grace
Alaina and Chris’s daughter who died a week after birth.
Eve Grace
Chris’s mother, an artist.
Mike Grace
Chris’s father, owner of Grace and Sons Construction.
Sergeant Albert Harris
A member of Captain Furneaux’s men sailing on the adventure who attempted to accost Maria and was killed.
Robert Harris
Jack’s sister Macy’s fiancé.
Jasmine Haywood
Terrence’s wife and Cece’s best friend since college.
Detective Terrence Haywood
FBI agent and long-time friend to Cecelia, assigned to investigate the case of the missing airplane.
Translator for Captain Cook in Tahiti.
Isobel (Izzy)
Young girl who lost her hearing and was separated from her mother in the crash.
Beau Lee Jackson
Jim and June’s long lost son.
James Lee Jackson (AKA Jim)
Born in Arkansas and grew up in Oklahoma, he won the lottery playing his mother’s numbers and boarded a flight to Bora Bora.
Alaina’s drummer boyfriend who she left behind when she encountered Chris at the concert.
Anna Klein
Nurse. Recently started dating a doctor at her hospital and agreed to be his date at a wedding he was attending (Jack’s sister’s wedding). Killed by Juan Josef.
Liam Klein
Anna’s young son she’s anxious to be returned home to. He was 5 and left with her parents at the time of the crash.
Doug Koch
Owen’s flirty cousin who works at the campground and befriends Alaina during her stay.
Owen Koch
Cecelia’s husband, a trust-fund baby who met Cecelia at Ohio State. He volunteered to run his family’s campground in Minnesota and lives there full-time.
Madison Koch (AKA: Maddy)
Cecelia and Owen’s daughter.
Juliana Martinez
Juan Jr.’s birth mother. Daughter to a rival drug family, her union to Juan Josef was arranged by their fathers. Juan Josef left her instead of marrying her and she left Juan Jr. in the mud overnight as his gates.
June McClendon
Jim’s ex-girlfriend who, once she became pregnant, left him with no trace as to where he could find them.
Cecelia McCreary/Koch/Perez (AKA: Cece)
Alaina’s younger sister.
Sophia McCreary
Alaina and Cecelia’s mother who raised them on her own, changing her and her children’s names back to her maiden name after their father left.
William McCreary (AKA Bill)
Sophia’s younger brother, Alaina and Cece’s uncle who served as a father figure in their lives.
Local fisherman in Eimeo who saves Chris’s life.
Charlotte Miller
A seventeen-year-old girl who’d been seated in the back of the plane with her brother. She and her brother were the subject of a controversial painting Bud brought back in his laptop files. Chase, her brother was wearing Nikes.
Frank Morello (AKA: Frankie)
East coast mobster from the 1920s who got caught smuggling alcohol on the east coast and moved his practice to the west coast, employing Zachary Charles William to serve as his captain. Went mad on the island claiming he saw the devil.
Captain Sebastian Navarro
Wine merchant from Spain transporting rebel weapons to America. Brings Juan Jr. and their group onboard to escort them to Virginia.
Metua’s grandson who helps them escape Eimeo in exchange for them taking him with them to England. He is left in Tahiti after they are taken aboard Juan Josef’s ship.
King in Tahiti.
A local Tahitian man John convinces to shoot Chris.
Dahlia Perez
Juan Josef’s daughter who he believed to be dead in the storm.
Dario Fernando Perez Hernandez
Juan Josef’s youngest son from Gloria, twin brother of Dahlia.
Gloria Anderson Perez
Photographer and artist. Juan Josef’s wife and mother to Dario and Dahlia.
Juan Josef Perez Hernandez
Drug lord and arms dealer, he traveled through time in 1977 after his wife died and he was being pursued by the DEA.
Juan Josef Perez Hernandez Jr.
Juan Josef’s oldest and most beloved son.
Elias Phillip
The character Jack played on TV.
Kyle Ramsey
Phil’s young teenage son who lost his arm in the plane crash.
Phil Ramsey
Los Angeles attorney flying out to attend a wedding of his young wife’s college-mate (Jack’s sister), father of Kyle. Attempted to accost Alaina on the island.
Alberta “Bertie” Renaud
Wife of Bud and grandmother of Lilly. After being diagnosed with cancer and going through treatment only to have it return, she set out for a final adventure with her husband.
Lloyd “Bud” Renaud
Lilly’s veteran grandfather (Vietnam P.O.W.) and founder of the Renaud Boot Company that went on to become a household name after the Vietnam war.
Lillian Renaud (AKA Lilly, Princess)
Upper east-side New York socialite who recently graduated with a degree in fashion. Tagging along to Bora Bora with her grandparents.
Richard Renaud
Lilly’s father and the son of Bertie and Bud, took his inheritance from the Renaud Boot Company and opened a chain of luxury hotels in New York. His wife died of cancer when Lilly was only 2.
Frank Reynolds
Pilot from Garden City, Idaho, died a few days after the crash.
Jacob Roberts
Michael’s father, imprisoned by the Nikora for nearly a decade.
Michael Roberts
Young teenage boy who was taken in by the Nikora tribe at 5, son of Jacob.
Adrián Ruiz
Son of Alonso Ruiz. Attempted to accost Cecelia and was killed with his brothers by Juan Jr.
Alonso Ruiz
Owner of the Ruiz stables and a prominent figure in Panama.
Jacinto Ruiz
Oldest and single surviving son of Alonso Ruiz.
Dutch Moretti
1920s mobster and bootlegger smuggling alcohol on Zachary Charles William in 1928. Frankie’s childhood best friend and partner in crime.
Shipman on Juan Josef’s ship who was rescued as a boy by Juan Jr. and given a job.
Nikora chief.
Cecelia Bertie Volmer
Alaina and Jack’s daughter.
Jack Volmer
Actor, starred on a hit TV Series called Fairview Nights that ran for 9 seasons. Was flying to Bora Bora for his younger sister’s wedding.
Macy Volmer
Jack’s younger sister who suffered severe injuries in a car crash with Jack at 17, leaving a scar across her face and a permanent limp.
Zachary William Volmer
Alaina and Jack’s son.
Zachary Charles William (AKA: Ole’ Willy)
A merchant delivering goods in 1928 that encountered the same storm and died on the island, leaving behind journals and supplies.

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